About The DAWN Method

Evidence-Based Dementia Care

Research Studies on the DAWN Method

University of Alabama Research Study, 2022


Research study results

The 2022 University of Alabama research study on teaching the DAWN Method of dementia care to family caregivers resulted in a 23.1% increase in positive attitude towards caregiving and a 34.7% decrease in perceived caregiving burden.

Demonstrated decrease in caregiving burden
The Impact of the DAWN Method on Caregiving Burden: graph showing that caregiving burden decreased by 34.7% from pre-course rating to post-course rating.
Caregiving burden decreased by 34.7% from pre-course rating to post-course rating.
Demonstrated increase in positive attitudes for caregiving
The Impact of the DAWN Method on Positive Attitudes for Caregiving; graph showing that positive attitude scores towards caregiving increased by 23.1% from pre-course to post-course rating.
Comments from study participants
"This course and this journey is bringing me and my dad closer, which is such a blessing." The DAWN Method
“Thank you for sending this through and for all the time you’re puting into this so far. I’ve found your course extremely valuable and seen lots of similarities in where I’m at with my mum. My dad has clearly read your book as he is doing a lot of the things you mentioned in practice and, on the whole, my mum is a happy lady!” The DAWN Method
"This opened up my eyes in so many ways and made me understand my father more." The DAWN Method
“Your classes were hopeful, thoughtful, insightful, and full of respect and love, Judy.” The DAWN Method
“I have anxiety about the road ahead, but when I can stay in the moment it is mostly a beautiful and deeply spiritual gift.” The DAWN Method
"...it changed everthing. It was like a door opened up and light shone in!! I look at all of this differently." The DAWN Method

Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), Campus Baixada Santista, Brazil, Research Study, 2024

Danilo Castilho Schwab, who is completing an Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Health Sciences, is conducting a research study entitled “Adaptação transcultural do método DAWN para a cultura Brasileira” (a cross-cultural adaptation of the DAWN Method for Brazilian cultures). He has also translated Dementia With Dignity into Brazilian Portuguese, which will be ready for publication in 2024.

Danilo will graduate in September of 2024. The project will be linked to the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Health Sciences–Instituto Saúde e Sociedade–Campus Baixada Santista at UNIFESP. If successful, this collaboration will increase both countries’ understanding of how to improve the quality of life for people living with dementia and their caregivers in the community, as well as decreasing stigma and raising awareness of dementia.

Anderson University of South Carolina, Research Study, 2024

Hannah Brooks, who is completing a Doctorate of Nursing Practice at Anderson University in Anderson, South Carolina, is conducting research to measure the level of staff confidence and knowledge of dementia care through utilization of the DAWN Method teachings in a memory care community in Clemson, South Carolina. Hannah’s research will be available in July of 2024.