
General Tips and Troubleshooting for DAWN Courses

These tips focus on the DAWN HomeCare for Families course but apply to the certification courses for caregivers as well.

NOT SEEING THE VIDEOS or the Quiz button after watching the video? You must accept “Functional” cookies before videos will be visible. Click the white and green thumbprint symbol at the bottom left corner of the screen and scroll to see settings (it is also the last link on the page after the footer) or by clicking “Open privacy settings” at the end of the footer of this website. Scroll down in the pop-up box to find those settings and toggle the switches on. You may turn them back off when you’re finished, if you like.

NOTE: As of late May, 2024, the DAWN HomeCare course has been simplified to a single subscription membership with one account only. If you purchased your subscription at that time or later, the “Team” information does not apply to your account/subscription.

Course tour and help video

YouTube video

0:00 DAWN HomeCare Dementia Course description
1:00 Where to purchase
1:15 — Login
1:37 — My Training page
2:00 — Technical support contact (info [at] thedawnmethod [dot] com)
3:25 — DAWN HomeCare course home
5:00 — Video options 
6:00 — How to speed up videos
6:30 — Quizzes
9:45 — My Account page (managing subscriptions and payment information)
10:15 — Turning on “Auto-Renew” button for subscription payments
11:15 — Managing Teams
11:40 — Adding Members and Managers
13:30 — Adding 6 more seats to your subscription
14:30 — Help page
14:45 — Tips for using DAWN HomeCare Dementia Course
15:00 — Troubleshooting video issues with Apple computers


  • Use latest browsers: Make sure that you’re using the most current version of your browser. (Do not use Internet Explorer because our quizzes will not work in it. Microsoft retired the last version of Internet Explorer in the summer of 2022. It’s time to upgrade to Edge or another currently supported browser for browsing the internet.) We recommend Firefox, Brave and Chrome as the most reliable browsers for taking our courses and viewing the video lessons.
  • Apple users: If you’re using an Apple computer, we recommend downloading the Brave, Chrome or Firefox browsers instead of using Safari; some versions of the Safari browser do not play our videos properly.
  • Delay between videos and quizzes: You may find there is a delay between the end of the video and the loading of the quiz, depending on the browser and device that you are using; please be patient. And make sure that you’ve turned on “Functional” cookies in your privacy settings (see the green and white thumbprint icon at the bottom left corner of your screen – it is also the last link in the website footer).
  • Video speed: You can speed up the videos to listen to them at the speed that matches your natural thinking and learning rate. Judy recorded them at a sedate speed so that everyone, regardless of age or ability, would be able to comfortably process the information. (Click the “gear” icon at the bottom right of the video for options.)
  • Video playback keys: If you are on a desktop or laptop computer, once you start playing a video, you may use your space bar to pause and your left and right arrow keys to rewind and fast-forward the video by 5 seconds at a time.
  • Clicking answers to quizzes: You will find that you can select or deselect answers by clicking anywhere on an answer box (some browsers portray the selection check boxes as extremely small).
  • Yellow box (that says, “Please go back and complete the previous topic.”): If you are experiencing the yellow box telling you to go back and complete a previous topic, try going back the to previous topic and then immediately go forward again to see if that fixes it. This is currently happening in the “DAWN Workshop” course in particular. We are working to find the issue. Sorry for the inconvenience. Also, make sure that you’ve turned on “Functional” cookies in your privacy settings.


(Click the boxes below to expand)

If you go to the course and see the gray box below that says the course is “Closed,” it may be that you just need to login. Go to the “LOGIN” link in the menu and login.

Sometimes, if your cookies and/or history have been cleared out of your computer’s browser, you may need to go through the process of accepting/rejecting cookies again (see images below).

You must accept “Functional” cookies to see video courses

If you rejected all cookies or only accepted the “Essential” cookies, you will not be able to view your course videos (or other videos on our website because we use a video streaming service). Click the white and green thumbprint symbol at the bottom left corner of the screen and scroll to see settings (it is also the last link on the page after the footer) or by clicking “Open privacy settings” at the end of the footer of this website. There you will need to click the slider to accept “Functional” cookies. You may change these preferences at any time.

The link to get to "Your consent preferences" panel is at the bottom left corner of the browser window; for screen readers it is the last link on the page (image shows an arrow pointing to it with a circle around it); there should be a video on the page immediately before the subtitle, "What you'll learn:" - it is missing)
To get to “Your consent preferences” (for cookies), click the bottom left lock icon (it is the last link on the page if you are tabbing through the links).
Screenshot of Your consent preferences screen. It shows that the user has accepted cookies that are strictly necessary (slider is green and checked) but the "Experience enhancement" cookies have not been accepted (slider is gray with an "X" - a red arrow is pointing to this slider which is circled in red)
This user has accepted only the “Strictly necessary” cookies; if they want to see the videos, they need to click the slider to accept the “Experience enhancement” cookies as well. If you have trouble clicking the “Experience enhancement” slider with the “Enter” key, try using the “Spacebar” key instead.
Your consent preferences screen with a n arrow pointing to the "Save and continue" button
Remember to click “Save and continue”.
Screenshot of Lesson 3, Topic 3.1, "The Caregiving Equation--Comfort or Confusion" (video is now showing on the course page above the subtitle, "What you'll learn:")
If you are still not seeing the video (similar to the image above) after accepting  “Experience enhancement” cookies, please reach out to “” and we will do our best to help you. 

We are not sure why, but a number of new customers have had problems seeing the videos when they first login to the DAWN HomeCare course (on the day of purchase). If this happens to you, please try logging out and then logging back in after a few hours, or the next day. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Most people find that the next day everything seems to be working as it should. We are trying to get this issue resolved and appreciate your patience.

You must accept cookies for “Experience” and “Measurement” to see video courses and quizzes

If you rejected all cookies or only accepted the “Necessary” cookies, you will not be able to view your course videos or quizzes (or other videos on our website because we use a video streaming service). Please go to the left bottom corner of this screen and click the little lock icon to access “Your consent preferences” (see screen captures below). There you will need to click the slider to accept cookies for “Experience” and “Measurement.” You may change these preferences back at any time.

The link to get to "Your consent preferences" panel is at the bottom left corner of the browser window; for screen readers it is the last link on the page (image shows an arrow pointing to it with a circle around it); there should be a video on the page immediately before the subtitle, "What you'll learn:" - it is missing)
To get to “Your consent preferences” (for cookies), click the bottom left lock icon (it is the last link on the page if you are tabbing through the links)
Privacy settings popup window with a red arrow indicating that you need to scroll down to find more settings
To pick your own settings for cookies, make sure that you scroll down to look through all of the settings.
Privacy settings with Sale of personal information, Sharing of my personal information, and Processing of my personal information for targeted advertising toggled off (circled in red)
You’ll be asked first about your specific marketing settings – feel free to toggle off these switches.
Privacy settings with Experience and Measurement cookies toggled off (circled in red with arrows pointing to them)
This user has accepted only the “Necessary” cookies; if they want to see the videos and quizzes, they need to click the slider to accept the “Experience” and “Measurement” cookies as well. If you have trouble clicking the “Experience” or “Measurement” sliders with the “Enter” key, try using the “Spacebar” key instead..
Privacy settings with Experience and Measurement cookies toggled on (circled in red with arrows pointing to them)
This user has accepted “Experience” and “Measurement” cookies.
Screenshot of privacy policy popup - red circle around "save and continue" button
Remember to click “Save and continue”
Screenshot of Lesson 3, Topic 3.1, "The Caregiving Equation--Comfort or Confusion" (video is now showing on the course page above the subtitle, "What you'll learn:")
The video is now visible. Yea!
The DAWN Method website with a red circle in the bottom corner of the screen showing how to access Your Privacy Settings - they are accessible in the footer of this website.
You can go back and click the lock symbol at any time to change your settings.

If you’re using an Apple computer, we recommend downloading Brave, Firefox or Chrome instead of using Safari (the browser that comes with your Apple device); some versions of Safari do not play our videos properly.

After each video of DAWN HomeCare there is one True/False question (“Quiz”) that you must answer correctly. If you find you cannot move on to the next video, it may be because you need to check your answers and retake the previous quiz. Those students taking the DAWN Dementia Care Specialist certification course need to pass every quiz with a score of 100% before they can move on to the next topic.

Are you having trouble seeing the quizzes? It could be that you are using Internet Explorer as your browser and our software will not work in Internet Explorer. Microsoft retired the last version of Internet Explorer in the summer of 2022. It’s time to upgrade to Microsoft Edge or something safer for browsing the internet. We recommend Firefox, Brave and Chrome as the most reliable browsers for taking our courses and viewing the video lessons.

Alternatively, you may need to accept “Measurement” cookies. (See the lock at the bottom right of the screen or in the footer of this website to access your settings.)

If you are having trouble telling which questions you’ve answered correctly and which you haven’t, please see our View Questions Explained page.

If the suggestions above have not helped and you are still having trouble with the course, please email us at, “info {at}” and our technical support person will get back to you shortly.

Managing DAWN HomeCare Subscriptions

If you have questions about your purchases, your account, or want to manage a subscription, please visit: “My Account (Dashboard),” then click on “My Subscription/Subscriptions.” NOTE: Your subscription WILL NOT automatically renew. You will need to login and pay to renew the subscription each year to continue to have access. (We don’t want anyone to have a surprise charge on their credit card!)

Subscriptions DO NOT automatically renew (you have to login and pay the renewal, manually). You don’t need to do this, but if you want to, you may cancel your subscription at any time by going to “My Account (Dashboard),” then click on “My Subscription/Subscriptions.” Click the “Cancel” button. You will be able to access your training until the last day of your current subscription period.

You will receive an email with an invoice about 10 days before your subscription expires and you can decide whether you want to pay the invoice and have continued access for you and your team. You will be grandfathered in at the rate that you subscribed for renewals.

Subscriptions are set to NOT automatically renew by default.

Managing DAWN HomeCare Teams

NOTE: As of late May, 2024, the DAWN HomeCare course has been simplified to a single subscription membership with one account only. If you purchased your subscription at that time or later, the “Team” information below does not apply to your account/subscription.

Go to “My Account > Add Member” to add a member to your team. You may send the person the “Registration Link” provided OR you may enter the member’s email address and select “Member” or “Manager” (Managers may add/remove other members).

Go to “My Account > Members” to remove a member of your team. Be careful not to remove yourself from your team.

You may add a member as a “Manager”. Managers can add and remove other Members. You may change a person’s role from Member to Manager or back to Member at any time by going to: “My Account > Members”.

The DAWN HomeCare Course for Families uses the term, “Teams”. The term, “Groups” is only used for Certification courses and does not apply to DAWN HomeCare.

DAWN Dementia Care Specialist Certification for Individuals

Please go to the course home page and download the DAWN Dementia Care Specialist Handbook PDF for answers to questions.

DAWN Partner Program for Agencies

The DAWN Partner Certification courses use the terms, “Groups”, (NOT “Teams”) as well as “Group Leaders”. If you are a Group Leader, you will see an additional menu items in the top menu bar under “My Account” where you may manage your Group(s) and view the progress of the learners in your Group. (The DAWN HomeCare Course for Families is a separate course and uses the term, “Teams” instead.)

Please go to the course home page and download the DAWN Dementia Care Specialist Handbook (PDF) for answers to questions.