Colorado CHCA Dementia Care Training

This 4-hour course meets the State of Colorado dementia training requirements for long-term care, assisted living, and adult day care providers. Training includes 2 sessions on strength-based care and 2 sessions on person-centered care competency.

The tools of the DAWN Method of dementia care: 1. Mood management, 2. Security in Confusion, 3. Security in Care, 4. Social Success, 5. Sense of Control, 6. Sense of Value, 7. Secure Future (in flower shape)

When I have the privilege of giving even glimpses of the DAWN method to a family, it’s as if they get to take a deep breath for the first time in a really long time.

Jill Couch, OT, DDCS, DAWN Trainer & owner of our DAWN Partner, Better People Care LLC in Fort Collins, CO

Course curriculum:

  • CHCA Intro & Facilitator Resources
  • CHCA 1: Understanding Strength-Based Dementia Care
  • CHCA 2: Preserving Relationships in Dementia
  • CHCA 3: Person-Centered Care Communication
  • CHCA 4: Meaningful Care Plans

What it includes:

  • Pre- and post-course quizzes
  • Four video sessions with pre- and post-quizzes for care partners
  • 2.5 hours of video content taught by Ruth Minnema
  • Learning Circle Resource and Handouts
  • Pricing:  $900.00 for 90 days access

CHCA Dementia Care Training for Colorado Long-Term Care, Adult Day Care and Assisted Living Providers

Price: $900.00 for 90 days of access

Purchase CHCA training access

Colorado CHCA Dementia Care Training - The DAWN Method